src/Accum.cpp [code] | Antialiasing utility functions |
src/Accum.h [code] | Antialiasing utility functions |
src/Behaviour.cpp [code] | |
src/Behaviour.h [code] | |
src/Cell.cpp [code] | The Cell base class |
src/Cell.h [code] | The Cell base class |
src/Colony.cpp [code] | The class Colony |
src/Colony.h [code] | The class Colony |
src/ColonyCell.cpp [code] | The Colony Cell representaion |
src/ColonyCell.h [code] | The Colony Cell representation |
src/Constants.h [code] | Constants definitions |
src/Coord.h [code] | Move coordinates definition |
src/CorpseFood.cpp [code] | A FoodCell representing dead bodies |
src/CorpseFood.h [code] | A FoodCell representing dead bodies |
src/CorridorCell.cpp [code] | An access limited Cell |
src/CorridorCell.h [code] | An access limited Cell |
src/Display.cpp [code] | Display the World |
src/Display.h [code] | Display the World |
src/Drawable.h [code] | Definition of the Drawable interface |
src/EastMove.cpp [code] | Move to the east direction |
src/EastMove.h [code] | Move to the east direction |
src/EmptyCell.cpp [code] | |
src/EmptyCell.h [code] | An empty Cell |
src/Explorer.cpp [code] | The behaviour of an explorer |
src/Explorer.h [code] | The behaviour of an explorer |
src/Fight.cpp [code] | The fight interface |
src/Fight.h [code] | The fight interface |
src/FoodCell.cpp [code] | The Cells that contains food |
src/FoodCell.h [code] | The Cells that contains food |
src/GenColor.cpp [code] | Generate a new color |
src/GenColor.h [code] | Generate a new color |
src/GeneticBehaviour.cpp [code] | Behaviour of Worshipers created with GeneticReplication |
src/GeneticBehaviour.h [code] | Behaviour of Worshipers created with GeneticReplication |
src/GeneticCode.cpp [code] | Definition of the genetic codes |
src/GeneticCode.h [code] | Definition of the genetic codes |
src/GeneticReplication.cpp [code] | Definition of the replication of genetic codes |
src/GeneticReplication.h [code] | |
src/GodsGiftFood.cpp [code] | Food Gifts from Gods |
src/GodsGiftFood.h [code] | Food Gifts from Gods |
src/HeuristicBehaviour.cpp [code] | Definition of the heuristic behaviours interface |
src/HeuristicBehaviour.h [code] | Definition of the heuristic behaviours interface |
src/HeuristicReplication.cpp [code] | Definition of the heuristic replication strategy |
src/HeuristicReplication.h [code] | Definition of the heuristic replication strategy |
src/Image.cpp [code] | Definition of the picture manipulation utility class |
src/Image.h [code] | Definition of the picture manipulation utility class |
src/InfiniteFood.cpp [code] | An Infinite food Cell |
src/InfiniteFood.h [code] | An Infinite food Cell |
src/Jitter.h [code] | The jitter values |
src/Main.cpp [code] | The main function |
src/Move.cpp [code] | A movement |
src/Move.h [code] | A movement |
src/MoveCommand.h [code] | The move commands |
src/MoveIterator.cpp [code] | An iterator on Move |
src/MoveIterator.h [code] | An iterator on Move |
src/NoMove.cpp [code] | Stay right where you are ! |
src/NoMove.h [code] | Stay right where you are ! |
src/NorthEastMove.cpp [code] | Movement to the north east |
src/NorthEastMove.h [code] | Movement to the north east |
src/NorthMove.cpp [code] | Movement to the north |
src/NorthMove.h [code] | Movement to the north |
src/NorthWestMove.cpp [code] | Movement to the north west |
src/NorthWestMove.h [code] | Movement to the north west |
src/Pheromone.cpp [code] | A Pheromone |
src/Pheromone.h [code] | A Pheromone |
src/Random.cpp [code] | A pseudo-random number generator |
src/Random.h [code] | A pseudo-random number generator |
src/ReachableCell.cpp [code] | A Cell that can be accessed |
src/ReachableCell.h [code] | A Cell that can be accessed |
src/RenewableFood.cpp [code] | Food is renewable energy ! |
src/RenewableFood.h [code] | Food is renewable energy ! |
src/Replication.cpp [code] | The replication strategy interface |
src/Replication.h [code] | The replication strategy interface |
src/SouthEastMove.cpp [code] | A movement to the south east |
src/SouthEastMove.h [code] | A movement to the south east |
src/SouthMove.cpp [code] | A movement to the sout |
src/SouthMove.h [code] | A movement to the south |
src/SouthWestMove.cpp [code] | A movement to the south west |
src/SouthWestMove.h [code] | A movement to the south west |
src/UnreachableCell.cpp [code] | A Cell that can't be accessed |
src/UnreachableCell.h [code] | A Cell that can't be accessed |
src/UntilVictoryFight.cpp [code] | A Fight strategy : the bigger win |
src/UntilVictoryFight.h [code] | A Fight strategy : the bigger win |
src/VisualContext.cpp [code] | The view of the World by the Worshipers |
src/VisualContext.h [code] | The view of the World by the Worshipers |
src/WallCell.cpp [code] | Another brick in the wall |
src/WallCell.h [code] | Another brick in the wall |
src/Warrior.cpp [code] | A warrior heuristic Behaviour |
src/Warrior.h [code] | A warrior heuristic Behaviour |
src/WestMove.cpp [code] | A movement to the West |
src/WestMove.h [code] | A movement to the West |
src/World.cpp [code] | Our world |
src/World.h [code] | Our world |
src/Worshiper.cpp [code] | The people of our world |
src/Worshiper.h [code] | The people of our world |
src/WorshiperInfo.cpp [code] | What the Worshipers can see of each others |
src/WorshiperInfo.h [code] | What the Worshipers can see of each others |